Toy Box:
Dog Toy Box
  Toy Box - $27.99
If your dog is like mine... she probably has LOTS of toys. And if your house is like mine... it probably has squeaky, fluffy (and sometimes slimey) dog toys laying on the floor of every room. Why not make a game of cleaning up and teach your dog to tidy up her toys into the toybox! This sturdy wooden toy box is the one I use in my professional stunt dog shows. A rope pull on the toybox lid can be used to teach your dog to open it. The toybox will arrive unpainted, so that you may customize it yourself.Teach your dog to Tidy Up Toys into the Toybox! The toy box will arrive as unpainted wood, so you can customize it yourself. Size: 10-5/8 D, 16-7/8 W, 11-¾ H.